*Frank Baker youth football registration is open!
You may click on the BAKER link here or from our website to register
for Flag OR Tackle teams.

*Braves Camp
August 15-17, 2022. Monday -Wednesday, 5:00pm - 7:30pm @ Canandaigua Academy Braves Field.
Open to all youth grades 3-6 and Modified -Varsity grades 7-12.
CAMP OBJECTIVE: The Braves Football Camp will offer student-athletes the opportunity to develop skills and techniques associated with all offensive and defensive phases of football.
Modified-Varsity Participants: $75 – CASH or Checks
Youth Participants: $50 – CASH or Checks Payable to CA
** Families with multiple kids attending camp: 1st attendee full price, all others are half-priced**
To register - Email Head Coach Jeff Welch welchj@canandaiguaschools.org
Please include the following Information:
*2022-2023 Grade:
*T-Shirt Size:
*Phone #:
Please bring payment on the first day of Camp: CASH or checks payable to Canandaigua Football Boosters
*DSG Shopping weekend

Weekend of August 12th. Coupon codes to follow soon!