Please click on any image for more information.
Senior Night forms DUE WED. 4/1
Watch Live and past games
Varsity & JV win
This week's Game Schedules for Varsity, JV & Freshman
Nolan's TEAMMATE of the Week is "BIG RED" Cody Aikey!
Still time to order Varsity photos from Chesler Photography
Thank you to Mr. Kane and The Sound for their wonderful performance at our home game last Friday.
SENIOR NIGHT- Please fill out the family from before April 1.
Watch Live and even Past games!~
Did you know that you can watch any Varsity game ( & home JV) Live right for our own website.
You can even watch past games by clicking on the "schedules" link on our website menu.
Varsity & JV win~
Photo Galleries by Kari Nieman and Dianna Boldrin. IF you have photos from any game, please send them to us at CAFootball@CAFootball and we will post them on the Blast.
Varsity, JV & Freshman
THURS, Wed. and Sat. game schedules for the week of March 29th
Nolan's Teammate of the Week
Cody “Big Red” Aikey is 3 year varsity starter who always has a smile on his face and treats everyone with respect. He goes about his business with consistent effort and is beloved by his teammates, he was voted as one of the 2021 team captains.