This is a friendly reminder that the CA Braves Football Shop will close tonight.Jc

Spirit Ads~
If you would like to place a Spirit Ad in the game day Program book, please email your Camera Ready Art Work and photograph (if any) Lynn Nicoletti. by Friday, March 12. Please mail your payment to Lynn at : 240 North Pleasant Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept anything after the 12.
Spirit Ads are open to all Football & Cheer Student-Athletes~ 1/8 Page approx. 2” x 3” (business card size) for $50 1/16 Page approx. 1” x 2” for $40 Line Ad (text only) 10 words for $10 cafootball@cafootball.or
Here are some ideas for Spirit Ads or you can create your own. You can add your player or cheerleader's name and #; customize anyway you would like. Thank you!!!
*Work Hard and You Will Achieve!!!
*Go Braves
*From Baker to Braves---We are so proud of you!!!
*Cheer Loud and Proud
*Best of Luck CA Braves Football!! GO…FIGHT…WIN!!!
Senior Baby Ads~
Please send your Ad copy and photo to Lynn by Friday, March 12.